Funding from One Stop Carriers for Causes
We'd like to say a big thank you to One Stop Carriers for Causes for supporting us in extending our range of kayaking equipment.
This will allow us to get more Young People getting on the water. Allowing an established scout group to take more young people kayaking through the purchase of additional kayaking equipment.
The project will be delivered by our Scout Group to get more people on the water as soon as possible. The kayaks will have an average life span of 15 years so will allow 100s of current members and future members to take part in the adventure.
DIY skills
Wood you be able to build a axe throwing aim? Screws, nails, timber, bare hands and team work were all used to construct perfect wooden axe throwing aims for all through out the group!
Escape Room!
Would you be able to break out? This week our explorers took on the challenge of working in teams to escape from various rooms in timed conditions! But only only one group got out, and the rest were stuck forever...
Explorer Birthday Party
Each year we celebrate explorers birthday, and this week was no different! We had games and snacks and pop to share. Also, we shared our ideas about what we want adding to the programme for the following year and camps.
DofE Updates
Lots of us were a bit behind on updating our evidence online for DofE, so this week we all brought in our tablets and laptops and got it all done! Now all we need to do is keep on remembering to upload our work.