Soup Anyone?
Thursday 13th September saw the Scouts cook soup. They were split into groups to wash cut up and slice their onions (with some crying), leeks and potatoes. After all this was done the masterchefs cooked leek and potato soup and sampled their delights.
This is an ongoing project with the Scouts working towards their chef's badge. Look out for more information coming out soon.
New Website
1st Stretford (Longford) Scout Group have launched their new website. It is easier for you to use and has much more information for you to use and keep upto date with your child's time in Scouting.
You Can:
- View our Photo Gallery
- View our Online Programme (Must be signed in)
- View letters Online (Must be signed in)
- Keep upto date with our news
If there is anything elses you would like to see please contact us.
So Register today to get all the benefits of our website.
District Football Competition
Thursday 6th Sepetember was the annual district football competition. As usual we hosted this event and 5 teams ascended onto Longford Park from across the district.
Longford "Team 2" breezed through and won the competition and well done to "Team 2" who came a close second.
Thanks to all that turned up - and we look forward to retaining our trophy next year.